Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Perfect Storm?

Ugh, I am so not keeping up with my writing like I should and like I originally intended to for you, my darling readers. But I sorta have a good excuse -ish for now. At least I keep fooling myself into thinking that maybe I do. 
Basically it just boils down to I have been really, really sick lately (as in I haven't had solid food in roughly three days), I just moved 800 miles, my baby just turned 18 (which is fuh-reaking me out), and I am pretty overwhelmed right now....and I hate to whine.
I wasn't in bad shape when I left Florida. I wasn't great but after the epidural shots I wasn't doing too bad. But somehow about a week after I got to Maryland I started going down hill. Unpacking? Pushing myself? I'm not sure, but I started not doing as well. Pain and fatigue went up...and the fight with the doctors started. I finally hit a wall last Friday (August 27) and ended up in the e.r. for a migraine. I hate those days...waking up in pain, trying to beat it back down for six hours or so, then finally crying 'uncle' and going in for a three to four hour ordeal in the e.r.. Knowing they're gonna stick me and I'm probably going to have to fight for a high enough dose of meds to beat the monster down. It always seems to follow the same path.
I did at last find victory over the gawd awful migraine beast, but this one has taken a lot out of me, and my poor body is slowly recovering. I asked the d.h. to make me pancakes later. Finally something I think I can get down.
I wanted to move to Maryland. It's pretty here and it's a good place for the hubs to retire, but I always seem to miss somewhere no matter where I am. Guess that's the price to pay for the gypsy life I have lead? I'm actually plotting and scheming a trip to go home (aka Meeechigan) for a couple of days this month. I think it would do me a lot of good...oh, and Renn Fest is until October 3rd!
Last, but certainly not at all least, my baby girl turned 18 last Wednesday and I was fine until it suddenly hit me that evening that she was going out to her first club this last Friday night...just like I did. My 18th birthday also happened to fall on a Wednesday and I went to my first club that Friday (where I met my first husband....but that's another story) and I just.....fell apart. 
She already moved out almost a year ago, but now she's 6,000 miles away and friggin grew up on me, and all of a sudden my house feels so much smaller. My babies are growing up and going out into the world. Sigh. I'm so proud, but at the same time, I would do anything to gather my little chicklings up and keep them close to me and safe forever.
So, as the title implies, I think I just hit the perfect storm of emotional and physical exhaustion and fell apart for a couple of days. I'll go home for a couple of days in a couple of weeks and I know that will feed my soul. 
Be well, my spoonies!

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