Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fibro Ads

When I'm out and about, I don't look sick or like I have any kind of disability. If I were to have a handicap placard in my car and pull into one of those parking spaces and then get out of my car and walk into the store or restaurant, I would probably be one of those people that snarky people look at and think ' ugh, I hate it when perfectly healthy people take those parking spots'. 
I don't have a placard for my car, but I will eventually. And it will probably be before I look sick enough for most people to think I need one, and before I need my cane again or a wheelchair. 
My point is that there is no recovery for Fibromyalgia, or myo-fascial pain syndrome, or a thousand other invisible diseases. There's a whole nation of us that have things like Rheumatoid Arthritis or bulging disks, herniated disks, Osteo-Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and a whole host of other pain disorders. 
No one can tell by looking at me that I have an artificial hip. or that someday that hip may fail or loosen and then I'm fooked. If I wouldn't have had my surgery almost three years ago, I'd already be in a wheelchair, having finally lost the ability to walk. But I'm getting sidetracked because my hip has been bothering me a lot lately. I still have arthritis in what's left of the bone in the area, and between going dancing at the Khaki Ball and the chilly, damp weather we've been having, I've been feeling it. So, every now and then I wonder if I'll lose the ability to walk someday. 
But what I was meaning to work my way towards was pointing out that there is no cure, so it really annoys me when "Fibromyalgia Clinics" advertise and spout that they offer recovery options for Fibro patients. That's like telling us that it's not a real disorder, and you could fix it if you just try hard enough. It IS true that symptoms can be mitigated by some meds for some people and by eliminating some foods from one's diet, but not everything works for everybody. And there is no cure.
My doctors are now telling me that I have more of a myo-fascial pain syndrome stemming from DJD, but I am still an advocate for Fibro. Because it doesn't matter what name you put on what's wrong with me, my existence doesn't change. It doesn't matter how you label it, I'm not going to get better.I know there are other Fibro patients out there that feel the same way. When we're fighting with our doctors, we wonder why they are fighting so hard against us when they know we're not going to get better either. The only thing you can do, doc, is keep me from getting worse. Why are you fighting with me?
This whole post came from a reader asking me about these billboards she saw with just "Fibromyalgia" and a phone number. She asked what are they advertising? Clinics? Meds that don't work? I have tried all of the current "FDA Approved" Fibro meds. They turn me into a crazy person. I finally put my foot down and told my doctors they were no longer allowed to mess with the chemistry in my brain.
I've seen plenty of progress in the last couple of years when it comes to Fibro, but I have seen setbacks too. What do you think, my darling readers, have I made an impact? Have I raised awareness or enlightened some of you? Have you learned something? Is there something else I need to address? Questions, comments, and input are always, always appreciated!
Thank you all again, for coming along on my journey, and for reading my ramblings!

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